Healthy Emotional Life Psychotherapy With Mary Davies in Brighton

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Can Transactional Analysis help me?

About TA Therapy

Transactional analysis (TA) is an integrative approach to psychotherapy that draws on all the major traditions of psychology, while being firmly grounded in a humanistic philosophy, which holds the value and equality of human beings, their motivation and their potential. The principles of practice that emerge from this philosophy concern mutual commitment in the therapeutic contract, the empowerment of the client, the transparent use of accessible theory, and belief in self-responsibility and change.

The name ‘transactional analysis’ refers to the analysis of how people communicate and relate to each other (how they ‘transact’). TA uses observation of here and now interchanges (the interpersonal) in order to improve communication and relationships and also as a route to understanding personality (the intrapsychic or internal world). The analysis of the transactions is based on Eric Berne’s theory of ego states – Parent, Adult and Child – three different ways of being that shape our internal world and our behaviour. These ego states are often developed in the past and re-created in the present, maintaining old and unhelpful patterns, which can be brought into awareness and made available for change.
(Taken from UKCP website)

What Conditions Can it Help?

Psychotherapy can benefit anyone with emotional, social or mental health problems, such as:

• anxiety or an inability to cope or concentrate
•problems dealing with stress or recovering from stressful situations
•lack of confidence or shyness
•coping with the effects of abuse
•feelings of depression, sadness, grief or emptiness
•mood swings
•difficulty making or sustaining relationships, or repeatedly becoming involved in unsatisfying or destructive relationships
•sexual problems
•difficulties coming to terms with losses such as bereavement, divorce or loss of employment
(Taken from UKCP website)

What Benefits can be Expected?

I will work with you to help you understand your problems and what lies behind them. Depending on what you want to achieve from the sessions, they might help you to find better ways to cope with your problems, or help you to identify changes you can make in your life to make changes and improve your emotional wellbeing.

The following self-help guides may be a useful starting point

@02Anxiety Self Help@02Depression Self Help@02Stress Self Help

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